Live stakes are an excellent, affordable solution for soil stabilization and quick-establishment of vegetatation….
Stellar Roots Herb Farm
Stellar Roots Herbs propagates organic/ biodynamic medicinal herbs for sale. Opening 2023
Join us for a Meadow-scaping Class at The Wylde Center, Atlanta Nov 5!
Meadows are ecological powerhouses! By growing meadows, we actively participate in land regeneration and help to mitigate climate change. Plus, they’re naturally beautiful and easy to maintain, once established. ‘Meadow’ refers to the wild, dynamic ecosystem of native grasses and flowering perennials that host beneficial birds and insects.
Grow a Row with Herbalista Health Network
We want our ecological landscape clients to be especially aware of The Grow a Row Program! They accept donations of medicinal plants used for the free health clinics. Many of our clients are growing medicinal plants in their meadows that are prolific. Annual harvesting of more vigorous plants can help the meadow thrive….
Regeneration of Ecosystems in Depleted Urban Settings
In ecosystem regeneration, we are most concerned with rebuilding soil health and starting with plants that are hardy and tolerant of variable conditions.
Spring has sprung and it’s time to get your organic garden growing!
What are the best sources for acquiring vegetable seeds and seedlings? What to plant when? Where are the best spots in Atlanta for ecological garden products? We can help!