Sustenance Design featured in Landscape Architecture Magazine for the Food Forest at Brown’s Mill.
The March 2019 addition of Landscape Architecture Magazine presents our design for the Food Forest at Brown's Mill. (See portfolio for details on the design.) The article titled "Free Markets" by Timothy Schuler can be read here. Tim discusses the ecological and community relationships of these gardens and gives an brief synopsis of the project at Brown's Mill, which is currently being implemented by volunteer community effort, organizational and visioning support by the Mayor's office of Resilience, and a full time site manager employed through Trees Atlanta. Trees Atlanta centered their annual conference this year on the topic of Food Forests. We believe this is just the beginning of a well-deserved interest in Food Forests, because of their regenerative nature, ability to produce many times the amount of food per acre than monocultures, resilience to climate change, myriad of community benefits.... and so much more!